Art Shaped Box
“Art Shaped Box” is a Network born in the historic center of Sansepolcro, by “Innesti”, a cooperation between “Effetto K” and “ 360”, that brings artist, artisans, producers and merchants together in small projects for display throughout the Valtiberino territory. At the beginning of November it began the new “#arteinvetrina (featuredart) manifestation, which will last till January 2021. The creators are Riccardo Antonelli, Andrea Brizi, Meri Ciuchi, Gilda Noa Foni, Elena Merendelli, Giancarlo Montuschi, Maurizio Rapiti, Baba Scarehead, Fabrizio Spadini and Teo Tiburzi, but the list it will increase in the next weeks.

In this event the shops in the commercial center of Sansepolcro adopt and promote an artist showing their artistic works in shop windows and in the social networks with the phrase “at Christmas give and give yourself a work of art”. For more information, see the the instagram page Another Christmas idea is the Designer box, that matches handcrafted food and wine products and graphic works, little sculptures and numbered serigraphs in a gift sent directly at your home. The network “Art Shaped Box” is sponsored by the municipality and brings together subjects that could seem distant from each other, indispensable for experiencing the territory through contemporary art, tradition and commerce.